Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture - "The Evolution of Building Design to Resist Earthquakes" by James R. Harris

Prof. Dan Frangopol, initiator and organizer of the Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture Series, is honored to invite FERS members to attend the first lecture in the 2014 Series:

The Evolution of Building Design to Resist Earthquakes

Friday, February 21st, 4:10 p.m. Sinclair Auditorium, Lehigh University

Principal, J. R. Harris & Company, Denver, CO

Much of the history of the development of design approaches and building code provisions for seismic resistance in the United States is in direct response to damaging earthquakes. The early work was largely empirical. The fundamentals of an analytical mechanics approach were created in the middle of the 20th century, and over the past half century there has been a considerable amount of theoretical development and laboratory validation. The economic and social impact of large earthquakes is very consequential, and the technical aspects of the problem are challenging. Modern computing power coupled with new analytical techniques and better characterization of the demand from ground shaking are making possible much more realistic approaches to achieving the desired performance in future earthquakes.

To access the complete announcement, please visit:

The lecture is free and open to the public. A pre-lecture reception will be held in the Sinclair Lobby at 4:10 pm.

For additional information about the Khan Lecture Series, please visit 
http://www.lehigh.edu/frkseries or see these links:

· Lecture #1, February 21st -- John R. Harris: http://www.lehigh.edu/~infrk/2014/frk14harris.html
· Lecture #2, March 21st -- Jon D. Magnusson: http://www.lehigh.edu/~infrk/2014/frk14magnusson.html
· Lecture #3, April 11th -- Charles H. Thornton: http://www.lehigh.edu/~infrk/2014/frk14thornton.html
· The Fazlur Rahman Khan Endowed Chair: http://www.lehigh.edu/~infrk/chair.html

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